Virtual stampede

Hmmm.. So looks like iam getting a start in my attempt to blog frequently. So today wasnt a very eventful day.

Just for the heck of it, i created a blog I am not quite confident of posting anything on it yet. But lets see if i could unravel the technical facet of my life into this blog.

After a long time, i logged into facebook. Boy, the amount of info(or the lack of it) that i see getting generated on it, simply damages my brains. Few years down the line, there's going to be a virtual stampede on it. People are going to suffer from stress because of the information overload. New mumbo-jumbos are going to enter the jargons of psychiatry.

Some of them that i can imagine are:

Ignoramus Distressus
(The subject falls into a cesspool of desolation because the subject's status updates/photo feeds are not complimented by a > 10 comments and likes. Now thats the first phase. Then the subject takes some inane and controversial quizzes like "Who'll you marry?", "List of friends who you can try flirting", etc in a rather desperate attempt to garner some attention. When that gets ignored, the subject starts flitting around random profiles which starts from a known profile to some profile of a person who is on the other side of the world picking mushrooms.)

Illusionary Luminary
(The subject is uber-cool, suave, sophisticated, commented upon and liked upon. If the subject posts two photos, one photo with a lopsided grin with the lips tilting to the left, and the other with a lopsided grin with the lips tilting towards the right, he gets an equal ackermann number of likes and comments. The subject assumes a larger than life virtual self and seeks to destroy the motivation of other equally aspiring facebook minions. The only problem is that the actual adulation happens only virtually. In real life, he is just a carbon life form.)

Oh swell there has to be lot more. My 15 min time limit for blog has well exceeded.

Now with my mom entering facebook, it has become a DO NOT ENTER zone for me. DoorDarshan used to have a "Kaanavillai" segment in between their programmes. I wonder if its still there. There's no need for it now, a simple facebook search would knock out their "living in anonymity, enjoying promiscuity" status updates.

Its probably not a wise idea for me to blog just for the sake of it