WW32: Wallet

Hey Blog, did you miss me? If you didnt, good for you. Because i didnt (miss you). But iam getting to(miss you). Well to break my ridiculous blogger's block, i have come up with a plan. Iam going to blog frequently. As frequent as possible, atleast twice a week. If Amitabh Bachan can blog everyday, why the devil can't i? Of course Amitabh Bachan is jobless, we all know that. He keeps blogging, tweeting and introducing people to social networks everyday. But thanks to him, Lalettan is on twitter.

Hmm, now to the difficult part, what should i blog about?

(Okay this sucks. Where is the rest of the content? It didnt get saved as draft? Screw you, blogspot)


king Sat said...

waiting for your posts :).. so jobless i am

Vivek said...

machi.. dont read mine :) Iam writing junk. It'll help me one day when i have to write autobiography