Iam Kembali(Iam back)

So my mind has been wiped clean after the roller coaster of a trip i had last week. While more updates will take time, i just wanted to put a note in my blog. For this week, my thoughts have been predominantly occupied by the reminiscences of the trip and cricket.

Iam happy to say that writing in this blog is helping me to track my life. While a majority of time was lost staring at the screen earlier, things are now turning out to be better. Iam neither working like an ass or playing mindless games on the PC nowadays.

While things are going smooth, i faced terrible boredom this week. It must be the vacation after effect. The boredom of existence stares directly at me. The perils of a daily routine. Okay let me watch two movies tonight and brood upon it. "Seven years in Tibet" and "Issiz Adam", Save me.